As September draws to a close, the slight chill of the fall will soon be upon us. While some see the fall as the time to start winding down their home and lawn care routines, smart...
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Home Insurance
The 7 Most Dangerous Toys to Ever Hit the Market
We're all safety conscious these days, especially when it comes to our children. Toys are held to rigorous standards, tested, and age-rated before they ever hit the shelves. Consumer...
Sail on, Sail Safe this Summer
Top Boating Safety Tips for a Fun Summer on the Water For many Canadians, "summer season” means "boat season.” Getting out on the water and enjoying a relaxing afternoon of fishing, or a...
Keeping your Cottage Safe this Season
After you've done all the work opening your cottage, getting everything set up, and taking care of every little expense related to it, you're going to want to get some serious relaxation...
Pet Safety for Spring Time
After a long winter cooped up inside, many pets and pet owners can't wait to get outdoors again! The spring sun is here, the weather is warm, and nature is blooming all over, who wouldn't...
Getting your Home Ready for the Summer
It's spring time! Homeowners across the province are beginning their annual tradition of digging through their garages, sighing deeply at their basements, and getting a good spring...
Going Green With your Business
Social responsibility is the watchword for the modern business. While profit, expansion, and other traditional goals will always be the major motivation behind any enterprise, more and...
Is it Time for your Home to go Solar?
Depending on where you live, you might have noticed a change in the skyline. More and more, private homeowners are installing solar panels on their roofs, dotting neighborhoods with new...
Easy Tips for a Greener Household
We all want to do our part for the environment these days but it can be tricky to know where to start. The truth is, making your home greener doesn't take heroics or any kind of major...
Your Finished Basement could be a Nightmare in Waiting
The basement used to be the forgotten room of the house. The dusty storage facility stacked with old bicycles, tool boxes with missing pieces, and long forgotten guitars, drum kits, and...
Canadians can expect more, and worse, floods in the near future
The past five years have seen some of the worst flood activity in Canadian history. From the slow disaster of Richelieu, Quebec in 2011 where record high water levels dragged on for 37...
How to Detect, Prevent, and Recover from Water Damage
Nothing will send a chill up a homeowner's spine faster than the words "water damage.” It's one of the most insidious, and potentially costly, threats facing your home. The major...
The vital Difference Between Flood and Sewer Backup Insurance
This summer was a real eye-opener for many homeowners in Ontario. Watching footage of Toronto, the largest and busiest city in Canada, brought to a standstill by sudden and dramatic...
The Most Common Neighbourhood Disputes and How to Deal with Them
Unless your neighbour's name is Ned Flanders, chances are they're probably going to do something you don't like at some point. In fact, chances are, you're going to do something they don't...
Keep an Eye on your Credit Card Statement for Post-Holiday Surprises
After the Holidays are over, checking your credit card bill might be the last thing you want to do. "Santa” was very generous this year and while he might get to fly back to the North Pole...
Warm in the Winter: Wood Stove and Fireplace Safety
There's nothing better than cuddling up in front of a nice wood-burning fireplace or stove when the winter starts to get chilly. Tucking under a blanket with your significant other while...
Don’t let the Grinch steal your Christmas!
Alright, it's the last few weeks before Christmas, and yet again you've left it till the last minute, but it's okay. In this last, frantic day of sharp elbows and shoving crowds, you've...
Deck the Halls! 10 Tips for Safely Decorating your Home for the Holidays
As the holiday season approaches, many homeowners will soon be hard at work putting the finishing touches on their decorations. Decking out the home with Christmas lights, wreaths, and...
4 Tips to keep your home Safe while on Christmas Vacation
Christmas is on the horizon and, for many of us, that means travel plans. Whether you're heading out to stay with relatives, or fleeing the chill and snow of Ontario for sunnier climates,...
‘Tis the Season for Fraud Awareness
Many of us look forward to the holiday season all year long. It's a time to get together with family, reconnect with friends, and spend some time with the most important people in our...