Protect Your Property: Flooding

Aug 2, 2023
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This article is Part One of our New Blog Series on protecting your property from natural threats.  Be sure to check back to the Staebler Blog for future articles to help protect your home.

The summer season is no stranger to flash thunderstorms and heavy rain showers. While our lawns and gardens might appreciate the extra watering, these events come with a serious risk of flooding in Kitchener-Waterloo Region. To better prepare local homeowners, we have collected some of the best flood protection tips that you can use now to help protect your property before the next potential flood event.

First, some Easier, Do-It-Yourself Flood Protection Tips

  • Remove debris from nearby storm drains to allow better drainage
  • Clean out your eavestroughs. Again, this will help ensure water drains away from your home
  • Check for leaks in plumbing and appliances
  • Test your sump pump as often as you replace your smoke detector batteries. Don’t wait for a flood event to find out if your sump pump is working!
  • Clean out and test your backwater valve

Additional Flood Protection Upgrades

  • Install window well covers (for those windows at or below ground level)
  • If applicable, disconnect your downspout from the sewer system and redirect it away from the home’s foundation
  • Install flood alarm devices in your home (particularly in basements and near important mechanical systems)

Next Level Flood Protection Projects

  • Install window wells that are above ground level
  • Upgrade to water resistant windows
  • Correct nearby surface grading to help direct water away the home’s foundation
  • Install a backup sump pump with a battery

Each step, however small, can help protect your property from water. By being well-prepared, you can enjoy the summer season without unnecessary worry about a potential flooding event in Kitchener-Waterloo Region.

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Staebler Insurance is a general insurance broker specializing in car insurance, home insurance, small business, and commercial insurance. Staebler brokers proudly serve Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Stratford, Listowel, Fergus, Elora, Wellington County, Perth County, Waterloo Region and southern Ontario. Click here to get started.


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