The Best Ways to Get Home on New Year’s Eve

Dec 30, 2019
Categories: Car Insurance · Ride-sharing · Safety · Uber
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New Year’s Eve can be a great time with friends, and family. Often alcohol is consumed and when it’s time to go home, people make the wrong assumption that it’s okay to drive.

Fortunately there are now more ways than ever to prevent drinking and driving, thanks to the convenience of our smartphones. Here are Staebler’s top ways to get home safely after a New Year’s Eve party.

Uber – This is one of the most popular apps in the world, thanks to its ease of use. Uber allows you to upload your credit card so you don’t need to carry cash or worry about scrambling at the end of the ride. The app tracks your route so you know you’re headed in the right direction and not being taken on “the scenic route” after a night of drinking.

Lokal – If you prefer to take a taxi home, Waterloo Taxi has developed an app which summons a local taxi without having to call in. You’re able to get the exact cost of your trip before booking. And the big benefit to Lokal is they never have surge pricing (a feature Uber uses during busy times) that raises the cost of your ride home.

Over The Limit – Did you make the mistake of driving to the party and now can’t get your car home? Over The Limit solves the problem of having to come back the next day, as they will drive you home in the comfort of your own vehicle. This service has become popular if you didn’t plan ahead or had more to drink than you anticipated.

Grand River Transit EasyGO – A cheaper way home is on the bus or the iON light rail transit. has a trip planning feature that will suggest a route to get you from party to home in the quickest amount of time. A cash fare is only $3.25 (even cheaper with a fare card), but if you’re out for New Year’s Eve the busses and LRT are free from 6 p.m. to the end of service.

Call someone – It’s not technically an app but believe it or not your smartphone has a telephone built in. You can save some money by calling a sober friend or family member to pick you up after the party.

Whatever way you choose to get you home, make sure it isn’t by someone who’s been drinking. Use an app, use your phone, and definitely use your head: Don’t drink and drive.


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