Special guest blog by Yolande Charest, VP, Finance at Staebler Insurance It was early spring of 2020 when my sump pump started making a very loud noise and I could smell burning oil. At...
Blog Category
Home Insurance
How to Erase Your Phone and Other Digital Data When You Upgrade
Consumers are constantly exposed to the latest and greatest in technology. From the faster, flashier, and smarter smartphones to the thinner but larger storage laptops, it’s easily...
How to get rid of Gypsy Moths in Kitchener and Waterloo Region?
The European gypsy moth caterpillar, an invasive pest, has seen its population rise in Waterloo Region this summer and residents are wondering what they can do to stop the damage they...
Water Safety for Boating Season in Ontario
It’s almost time to make waves again! The short wake of boating season typically begins in May and goes until September when the water temperatures dip too low to bear. Many recreational...
Spring Flooding and Water Concerns in Waterloo Region
Early spring in Southern Ontario has begun with some spectacularly warm and sunny days. The melt of snow and ice seemed to come and go without much concern. But as we all know, Canadian...
Stay Alert for these Pandemic-Related Schemes seen in Kitchener-Waterloo
During these strange times of increased isolation and use of digital communication technologies, there’s increased activity of cyber threats to watch out for. We’ve put together some of...
Protect Yourself: Online Holiday Shopping Safety
There are many types of fraud schemes, with new ones invented every day! The holiday season typically brings with it an increase in purchases and financial transactions, which provides a...
Don’t Let Patio Season End: Heat Options for the Outdoors
In Canada, patio season is a rite of spring. Unfortunately when our fall season hits, it usually signals the end of those patios – but this year is different. Bars and restaurants are...
BBQ Tips and Safety for Grilling Season
BBQ TIPS AND SAFETY FOR GRILLING SEASON It has been an outstanding start to summer, with hot and dry weather. It's been a great motivator to get outside and use the backyard barbecue. And...
Flying your Drone on the Right Side of the Law
When I was young, RC planes were the pinnacle of the toy world. What could be cooler than a model airplane that could actually take off and pull cool loops and barrel rolls through the sky...
How To Adjust To Working From Home
With the escalating threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and a State of Emergency declared in Ontario, non-essential businesses are shutting their doors to the public. And many Ontarians are...
Local Flood Warnings Have Begun
With rapidly rising temperatures and rainy pre-spring weather, flood warnings will become more and more frequent. This week the Grand River Conservation Authority issued official...
Tips For Re-opening Your Seasonal Cottage or Trailer
From the Staebler Blog archive: This post originally appeared in May, 2019. The long wait is finally over: It’s time to open up your getaway property. As the warmer weather settles in, the...
Out With the Old – Common Household Items you Might Not Know Expire!
They say nothing gold can stay, and isn't that the truth. While we might be used to keeping an eye on the expiry date for our groceries, or swapping out the batteries on our fire alarms,...
What you Need to Tell your Family About your Life Insurance
Great, you’ve done the responsible thing and you’ve purchased a comprehensive life insurance policy. Now you can rest easy knowing that should anything unfortunate ever happen to you, your...
The Secret Life of Grime: The Parts of your Home you Forget to Clean
We all like to think we’re decent housekeepers: The counters are clear, the carpets are vacuumed, and the laundry is in the hamper (usually). That sounds like a great start, but if you’re...
Make Fire Safety a Priority this Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for celebration, family, and rest. Unfortunately, they’re also a time for accidents, injuries, and fire hazards. While you’re enjoying the holiday season, make sure...
Just get yourself a Snow Blower
As a general rule I tend to avoid convenience products: Anything that seems to promise a little too much or claim to be a bit too handy I end up sneering at. I don’t know why I’m like...
Are you Aware of These Four Home Fire Hazards?
We all know the major do’s and don’ts when it comes to fire safety around the home: Do know where your fire extinguisher is, don’t leave the stove unattended. Do keep space heaters clear...
Caring for Aging Parents
Aging is a funny thing: As children, our parents think of nothing but ways to help keep us safe and protect us. But, as our parents get older, start slowing down, and start dealing with...