What are the New Speed Limits for Kitchener and Waterloo Streets?

Mar 6, 2023
Categories: Car Insurance · Safety
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The City of Waterloo is introducing new speed limits to slow down motorists and improve pedestrian safety in Waterloo Region.

During a recent council meeting, Waterloo approved its new plan (CTV Kitchener) that will see speeds reduced across the city beginning this spring.

In Waterloo, the major collector roads will now have a speed limit of 50 km/h while local roads will be decreased to 40 km/h. School zones will be further reduced to a speed limit of 30 km/h.

However, in Waterloo’s Uptown neighbourhood (Ward 7), the plan calls for 30 km/h in school zones and on all local roads.

Meanwhile in Kitchener, their council has debated speed limits since changing them in 2021 (Waterloo Region Record).

Some Kitchener residents say there’s confusion around what the speed limit is depending on the neighbourhood, the different times of day, and at different times of year.

For example, school zones in Kitchener have a speed limit of 30 km/h all the time. However, if the school is on a regional road, then the speed limit is 40 km/h, and that is only enforced between September and June, and only during school hours on weekdays.

With multiple connected cities within the region and differing rules of the road, it’s understandable how drivers may be confused or unsure of current speed limits.

“Ideally, the City of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener and the Region of Waterloo (should) all have a cohesive approach to speed limits and how we expect traffic to move, because there’s a level of consistency in driver behaviour that comes along with that,” said Barry Cronkite, Kitchener’s director of transportation services. Source: Waterloo Region Record

Ultimately, it’s important for drivers to remain attentive on all roads and be prepared for sudden changes in speed zones. As the adage goes, “Slow and steady wins the race,” and in this case it can help avoid a speeding ticket and the ripple effect of an increased car insurance premium.

Keep an eye on the Staebler Blog for updates and please reach out to your broker with any questions.

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Staebler Insurance is a general insurance broker specializing in auto insurance, home insurance, small business, and commercial insurance. Staebler brokers proudly serve Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Stratford, Listowel, Fergus, Elora, Wellington County, Perth County, Waterloo Region and southern Ontario. Click here to get started.


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