Ontario Walking Trails To Try This Fall

Oct 15, 2020
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As the days become cooler and the leaves begin to change colour, it becomes more difficult to find ways to spend time outdoors.
While the warm days at the beach are behind us, it is still possible to spend time outdoors and take in all the beauty that fall has to offer right in your own neighbourhood.
Walking trails not only offer a wonderful way to experience the changing colours of nature, they are also a wonderful way to get some exercise while following social distancing guidelines. Many trails offer a variety of options for how you can explore with some allowing not only walking and running, but also biking, etc. as options.
We recommend checking out this website that allows you to find trails in your area and all the options they offer: https://www.ontariotrails.on.ca/
Ontario Parks are another great place to explore this fall. Did you know there are over 300 provincial parks to enjoy and many within a short drive of Waterloo Region? It doesn’t matter what kind of outdoor adventures you prefer, there’s an Ontario Park that can handle it. It’s a spectacular time of year to take in all the beauty that the environment provides.
Be sure to check out Ontario Parks online before you hit the road. There are COVID-19 restrictions, changes in operations, and procedures depending on the park and area of the province.


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