Spring Landscaping

Jun 4, 2014
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Spring Landscaping
In our previous post, we asked this question:
True or False: Written employment contracts can reduce employer liabilities.
True! A written employment contract provides clarification for matters such as the length of the term of employment and each party’s obligations and entitlements upon termination. An employment contract that’s well-written and clear can directly reduce employer liabilities and make the associated costs of termination more predictable.
Did you know the answer?
Now for this post’s question!
How often should you mow the lawn, to keep your business’s property looking fresh & well-kept?
Check back for the answer in our next post!
It’s been a long, rough Canadian winter. At times, it seemed like the sun would never shine again… and the snow was never-ending. Fortunately, for most of us it has ended, and spring is finally here! While that’s both a welcome and joyful sight, springtime also brings with it a host of new responsibilities for home and business owners.
From bird houses to downed branches, paving stones to rose bushes, it’s time for landowners to get their properties into tip-top shape for the months ahead. This year, it’s especially important—with the severe ice storm this past winter, there are still many damaged and downed branches around properties that could become a safety hazard.
While the thought of even more work may not be as welcome as the sunshine, taking time to landscape your property does several things: It makes your property more appealing for visitors (bringing more customers!) and ensures that any potential problems are dealt with before they become worse.
What are the kinds of things you should look for? Here are just a few areas to consider when preparing for your spring landscape project:
If you didn’t have them cleaned out in the fall, be sure to get these done as early as possible. Once the snow is gone, you’ll be left with a tangle of sticks and plant matter that can impede new growth. The sooner it’s cleaned up, the more ideal the growing conditions for new plants.
Whether it’s bushes or trees, pruning is important both for new plant growth and for the safety of those on your property. Check around trees for weak or leaning branches, or branches that overhang paths up to your front door. These could become safety hazards, especially in windy or wet conditions. Branches with any kinds of cracks should be removed, as this compromises the integrity of the tree. Bushes around your property should be trimmed back, for the health of the plant as well as the appeal of the landscape.
3)Lawn Aeration
If you’re hoping for a lush, green lawn on your property, it’s worth considering lawn aeration—and the earlier you can schedule an appointment, the better. Later in the season, landscape companies become very busy, and you may find yourself either paying a premium for the service or waiting a while before being scheduled in. For the health of your lawn, schedule now so that it’s done at the right time. Aeration means strong turf roots, which helps to beautify your property perhaps more than any other aspect of landscaping.
4)Clean and Repair Deck Boards or Patio Stones
After a winter like we just had, many patio stones have shifted more than usual, causing raised lips or cracks that present a tripping hazard. The stones may need to be lifted and the ground leveled off before replacing them, but better to deal with it in early spring than risk a customer or visitor injury.
If your business has a deck or wooden patio at the entrance, check for warped or weak boards. Replace these and give the whole area a good wash—a power washer may not be necessary, though it is recommended if you’re doing the patio stones at the same time. And don’t forget the handrail! Be sure to polish it up so that your visitors don’t have cracked paint, splinters, or just an ugly handrail as their first impression of your business.
Whether you choose to beautify your business lot yourself, or hire someone else to do it, the earlier in the season you can get your landscaping done, the better! Don’t wait until your neighbors go for it—what client wants to come to your place of business and see hanging tree branches and a walkway full of displaced stones?
Get a jump on landscaping as soon as you can, keeping yourself and your customers safe and satisfied. If a visitor becomes injured on your property due to downed tree branches or an unstable path, you may be liable. It’s worth doing everything you can to prevent that and to keep good will between yourself and any potential clients. After all, a beautiful and well-kept place of business outside often indicates the state of what’s inside the building—especially from the customer’s perspective!


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